......my BIGGEST insecurity!
...I've been thinking about todays picture for 16 days now!! haha... I asked around to see if people could help me identify my biggest insecurity.. the answers I got were very helpful, but not really insecurities I have now...
being alone, mom's with kids, married couples, growing old alone, being lonely, sometimes, but not enough to matter... skinny people? not really now, 6 years ago? absolutely, the reminder of a car accident years ago, forever on my face? nahhh, I don't even notice it anymore... when I was 12 and in Junior high? ABSOLUTELY.... it was interesting though to see what people came up with, because their answers illustrate to me what their insecurities may be...
after lots of thinking, and careful consideration, I came up with this...
...an old manager I had used to tell us, "never assume, it makes an ass out of you and me!" haha!! I always liked his quote, and it made sense...
I will forever be insecure about people's thoughts, and assumptions about my happiness, about the things that I do, and the "reasoning" behind them... which 95% of the time is absolutely nothing... It's just me being me, it's my personality... I am too old to be explaining myself to everyone... AND I will forever be thankful to my friends who always humor me when that insecurity peeks it's ugly head... reasurrance that I'm somewhat normal, that they know it's just "me", always makes the insecurites go away!! :)

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