So after a lot of frustration, the second course of the wilton decorating classes has come to an end.... The first week of class we made these super cute pansies out of fondant.... they were very easy to make and sort of cute! :0)
I chose pink and purple ones, because that was the fondant colors I had already made..... :)
I chose pink and purple ones, because that was the fondant colors I had already made..... :)
We also made these button flowers with a "cut-out", they were a little finicky, but after we got the hang of it, they worked better! :)
The second week we learned how to work with royal icing.... this is where my love/hate relationship began. ;) we made some apple blossoms, and primroses we started calling them "hawaiian style" flowers you can take a peek at how cute they are on the final cake...... :)
The primrose
The primrose
the "wilton rose" is what we learned on the third week.... I have to say that this is what I was most excited about, i couldn't wait to learn how to make these roses.... and well lets just say that I may of worked myself up to fail or something, because all I got was huge globs of nothing,... so I ate the globs, ;) I did find that royal icing was delicious tasting! ;) so needless to say that one of the things I was SUPER excited about ended up not working for me AT ALL.... :( appearantly royal icing is finicky and if it's consistency is not right then it doesn't work, and it didn't so all I ate a lot of globs of icing instead... ;) we did make lily's, daffodils, and violets though, and I really liked how they turned out, so I used those on my final cake too!! :)
My "wilton rose" glob
Of course Gaby made a beautiful one.... :)

Our final class finally arrived, and we had to basket weave, the sides of our cakes.... i was so stressed out about it, I thought it was going to be so hard.... look at Gaby's concentration! haha!
haha.... the side of mine looks like it consists of very LARGE clouds... :)
I decided I wanted to make a "basket of flowers" on my cake, I got the idea from someone online.... I had no idea what it was going to look like, but I was ready..... :) and I did LOVE the basketweaving decoration... it looked pretty cool!
The final project! :)
YAY!! all that worrying for nothing!
Gaby's final project.... I was in love with her teal and pink flowers, I thought the combination looked great!! :) and in class she made a white lily..... :)
I'm not sure I was a fan of royal icing, it's too finicky for my taste.... everyone said royal icing was better to work with.... but so far I think I'm liking the buttercream!! ;) Showing off our final projects.... I am so greatful that my sister and I have gotten to do this together, it has definitly been fun, something we both enjoy doing and its fun for us to do it once a week.... It's funny I look forward to cake class once a week these days.... since it means quality time with my sister! :)
'Till next time!! :)
They both look fabulous! When do we eat?? Are you taking another class? And buttercream tastes better anyway. ;)
I love it: "it didn't so all I ate a lot of globs of icing instead"
the final product looked wonderful! so pretty especially the yellow ones in the middle...
thanks guys... yes DeBran, we start the "basics" class in two weeks, on labor day, we'll learn how to decorate cookies, cupcakes and a cake I think!! ;) maybe I should of taken that one first, and the rest in order.... nahhhh..... haha!!
Thanks Bryan, yeah the Lily's in the middle were some of my favorites too... ;) oh and I changed the blog around a little, I guess I shouldn't blog at 1am, and expect it to make sense!! ;)
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