I met Jessica, Bobby and the kids at Disneyland for Luke's 2nd b-day..... we met in the afternoon after I spent the morning at the snow with Isaac and Tracey..... what a fun sunday it turned out to be!! :) here are some fun pictures of our time at Disneyland... we did california adventure first..... did the Bug's Life show, which the kids weren't so sure about..... and then I rode the crazy ladybugs with them..... Now I wasn't crazy about this ride myself...... I think it's gonna be a while before I get on them again!!! hahaha!!!
Waiting in line for the ladybug ride...
Luke was being shuffled all around the car.... so I picked him up and put him on my lap.... shortly after they STOPPED the ride to tell me he had to sit on his own...... hahaha!! oooopssss.. ;)
the look on my face says it all..... hahaha!!! I think at this point I wanted out!!! ;) and yet, Ella had the BIGGEST smile on her face..... she wanted more.....
Me and Jessica
waiting for the bug show to start!

then we went to Disneyland.... and rode the teacups.... I was much happier on these, for some reason they seemed more "mellow".....
spin faster!!!!
hi mommy, hi daddy!!! hahaha..... she was so excited! :)
Then we went to Downtown Disney and shopped...... Luke found his leftover burrito, wrap thing, so he thought he should help himself to it!! :)
Fireworks..... my camera's not working that well but it captured cool looking pictures of the fireworks..... :)

So did you renew your pass already?
good times as always ;)
No Bryan.... not yet... I figured I would just do it next time I go.... and Yes, Jessica, it was good times as always!!! :)
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