The relay for life is a 24 walk-a-thon type of thing done in honor of those who have either died of cancer or are lucky enough to be in remision from cancer. My sister's friend Cassi decided to put together a group of people to participate in this years relay! It was one of the most amazing experiences I've participated in, in as long as i can remember! my sister and I walked in honor of our little brother Rene who died before his 3rd birthday from brain cancer...... he is right between my brother and sister in age.... I still remember the day that he left us, weird how we remember things at 6 or maybe I was 7 year old....... I don't remember him being sick, though, or maybe I didn't understand he was sick at that time?? we also walked in honor of my grandpa who passed away a few months after I was born!
My sister thought it was important to remember her friend Joy who died a few years ago from skin cancer...... we had the oportunity to make lluminaria bags in their honor, there would be a special ceremony where they would be lit at dawn on saturday, and they would stay on all night thru sunday, when the relay ended!
Our bags
Joy was one of the nicest people I have ever met, when I met her she was in remiscion from her skin cancer, I remember how excited she was.... she had set out to live life to the fullest, and I think she did, unfortunately she got taken from us too soon, but that was God's plan.... her family had a booth there, it was great seeing them all again, while walking around we found out that it was because of Joy that the relay for life had come to Lake Elsinore.... her mom said it was the last thing she accomplished before she passed, she did get to walk/participate in the first relay in town though, her mom said she was extatic!!! :) I'm sure that she would not believe how BIG the relay became!!! there were luminaria bags for her everywhere.... it was AWESOME!!!
Mike, my brother in law, decided that he would walk in honor of his best friends mom! Tom and my parents both came to the luminaria lighting ceremony......
we miss you Joy!

The bags lined the field at the school where the relay was held.... and there were tents EVERYWHERE!!! the purpose of the relay was to have someone from your team walk or run on the field for 24 full hours!!! so people pitched tents where team members could rest!!! :)

Rox, me and Gaby...... we had the all night shift..... along with Cassi, she must be the oen taking the picture!! :)
Cassi and Makailyn, the girls participated too!! They had a great time as well, and they ran a pretty big distance too!! :)
I can't wait to do it again next year!!! I think this was one of the most fulfilling and emotional experiences I have been lucky enough to participate in.... our team also earned recognition for most money raised by an individual!!! :) our individual was in Iraq too which makes it that much more amazing, Cassi's Husband Scott raised almost $2500 from the other side of the world..... we're so proud of him, and very thankful for everything he does for our country!!! :)
1 comment:
wow... awesome...
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