So at the annual Christmas Party everyone was trying to figure out what to do for New years.... Catalina, Downtown Fullerton, Downtown Long Beach, the Queen Mary.... Those were some of the ideas that people came up with.... I frankly wasn't up for any of them, there was so much going on around me this year that frnakly going out to drink somewhere with MILLIONS of people didn't appeal to me, BUT I did really want to go to the Rose Parade.... Everyone said it would be too cold, too crowded, etc. everyone but Karyn, appearantly she'd always wanted to go too.... so a few days later things had sort of calmed down here and I decided that if she wanted to go, I wanted to go too... and we planned it!!! I almost didn't go though, because a few days before New Years my dad ended up at the hospital again..... But after a lot of discussion with people, my sister, my parents, friends, I decided it would be a good experience..... And what a GREAT experience it was.... We had a GREAT time!!! Thanks again Karyn for getting us the "hookup"..... :) I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! Here are pictures of mine!!
Me and Karyn
One of the floats...... The black planes were amazing!
The City of Torrance sponsored this one..... The birds on it were awesome looking!! :)
The float that resembled the rose bowl was AMAZING!!

Look at all the detail......
This butterfly was amazing.... it took the ladies who worked on it 8 hours per wing.... and there are 4 wings here!! I was impressed!
Cal Poly's float was impresive too!!! They used pineapple skins for decoration.... how awesome does it look??
The City of Anaheim had a float too..... it was Amazing as well.... naturally I needed my picture with it..... :)
Then Karyn joined me!!!
and I took another!!! :) It was waaaay chilly out.... can you tell by the gloves???
All of the float builders, on the day of the parade.... They let me put a couple of flowers on the float, to make me official!!! ;)
A cable car!!!

jack came to join the festivities too!!! :)

The University of Ohio cheerleaders on their float!
There was a band who traveled from Guatemala to participate in the parade.... This is all I got from them.... If only I was taller!! ;)
Our float coming down Colorado Blvd..... :)
Wow how fun! The detial on the floats is amazing...
yeah it was a lot of fun!!! the detail WAS amazing.... and it was awesome that I actually got to see the work up close! I think next year I will help decorate!! :)
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