
Sunday, December 18, 2011

A refreshing sunrise....

It's been a BUSYLY fun-filled weekend.  There was quality time spent with the kids, work, tamale making, and cookie making and not much sleep getting...  ;)  After two VERY LATE nights I woke up super early today, I escaped early, I wanted to go see the sunrise, it's refreshing to me, I wanted to just watch it come up while sitting out there and thinking about how LUCKY I am while being thankful for EVERYTHING that God gives me everyday. There isn't one day that goes by that I don't remember that I am where I am because of God's grace.  He blessed me with wonderful parents and siblings, great family, amazing friends, and wonderful lessons he teaches me everyday... 
Isn't this a wonderful "painting?"  ;)

Once again on Friday I was taught that life isn't always fair, and that it isn't "the cards that we hold that matter, but how we play the game..."  I think that's why I needed the moment this morning, to remember that even though life is unfair sometimes, everyone makes it...  people are placed in our lives to help...  ;)  and with that I went home, jumped back in my pajama's, hopped back into my nice warm bed, turned on a Christmas movie, and preceded to "sleep in" until 9ish...  and no one was the wiser...  well until now!!  ;)  seriously though, how lucky am I to have been able to jump back into a nice warm bed?  it was chilly out today! 

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