
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Thanks!

I ran across this last year....  And thought it would be fun to do it...  But it was too late by the time I saw it...  Soooo I thought I'd start it today!!  ;)  Wanna Join me??  I'll be fun!  I'll go first... 
Today I am thankful for,
Forgiveness: "When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power."
What a GREAT quote, and a GREAT thing to be thankful for...  The power for us to forgive people  and ourselves and set ourselves free while at the same time releasing the past so it no longer has control over our thoughts or the way we feel. Only then can we continue on the path to our own well being and happiness... :)
Here's how to play

1. First and foremost, get that this is about giving thanks, and if moved to, sharing what you're thankful for with others. The goal is to consciously engage in (at least) one moment of thankfulness every day this month. That's it.

2. The thing for which you give thanks can be big or small--it doesn't matter, because even 30 small gratitudes will add up to something awesome by month's end. Not sure what to be thankful for? Check out the list of some of what people told us they were thankful for when we did this theme last year!
What you're thankful for can be anything at all--as long as you're consciously thankful for it. That's the key.
3. Truly, being thankful is enough. Sharing it via social media or in some other way is a gift to the world, because there are so very many people (we bet you know a lot of them!) who really struggle with giving thanks for the things that they have, or the people or events in their lives. Modeling being thankful is a way to gift them because as you share what you're thankful for, you shine a light--a light that tells others that it's ok for them to be thankful, too.
4. If you decide you want to share what you're thankful for, you might simply say it aloud, or you might choose to write it on paper, blog about it, share it with those you love over dinner, draw something, or even sing it. As with other 30 Day Projects, there's simply no wrong way to do this. Just make the way you do it your own--as unique and special as you are!
Don't have a blog? That's ok--thankfulness doesn't only come to those who blog! You can still play by writing in a journal, on napkins at lunch (think how cool it would be to have 30 napkins at the end of the month you could create an album with, or frame!), or on anything at all. It's about the practice, and the every day consistency.
and here's the linky link, if you want to read more on it...  :)


Kati said...

Forgiveness and treating everyone in a more Christlike manner are my 2 goals for myself right now! :) love this post! Xoxo

maria said...

thanks!! :)

Kelli said...

I love this I do not have a blog but I am going to try to do this on my own. I think I will give me a better out look at how much I have to be thankful for

maria said...

Oh good, I'm glad you're going to do it too! :) I post mine on facebook and twitter too! the responses have been fabulous... :) welcome to my blog!! :)